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The Dalrymple’s are strong supporters and practitioners of sustainable and environmental farming.

It has become a key focus especially with the advancement in technology. Through the use of (GPS) global positioning systems, modern cultivation and seeding equipment, state of the art irrigation and fencing methods they have been able to progress this aim. The wetlands have been fenced off enhancing our water quality with some having been replanted to be preserved for future generations. They are past winners of the NZ Farming Enviromental Award and have been used often as judges in that competition.

Waitatapia Farming uses large quantities of “chicken manure” and other  fertilisers. The usage of direct drilling and minimum tillage methods for planting helps preserve the land for pasture, especially on the lighter sand dunes . GPS is used extensively on its machinery helping reduce fuel usage and overlapping when cultivating and spraying. Large areas of the irrigated paddocks have soil moisture probes buried in them which has the benefit of irrigation occurring only when required. Waitatapia focuses on reducing soil compaction along with its strategically placed drains used to prevent water logged soils. The irrigation provides water on the warm soils enhancing a perfect environment for crop and grass growth. This significantly reduces nutrient loss through the soils with all year-round active roots feeding the above ground foliage.

The large areas of trees planted on the farms totaling 36 individual woodlots act as shelter belts for stock and has the effect of reducing wind erosion. The trees significantly contribute to carbon encrustation for the environment. .

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